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Dear Friends,

The reason I started Salt & Saffron is because cooking brings everyone together. It's April, and we've been in quarantine for some time now, so I'd like to connect with everyone to share uplifting content. I'm thrilled to be able to share my kitchen recipes and advice with you. I believe the act of cooking intentionally is what creates a timeless and delicious meal. I adopted this philosophy from growing up eating my mother's Iranian cooking. With Iranian cuisine the traditional ingredients such as rice, lemon, tomato, onion, herbs, saffron, turmeric, rose, etc., play a key role in various dishes. As you explore my blog you will find a mix of traditional Iranian and fusion dishes as well as other treasures. Since I practice a gluten & somewhat lactose free diet you will find recipes and tips on what options I use. I hope you enjoy reading and find inspiration to create a wholesome and healthy dish to share with others at your own table. 


x Tannaz


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