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  • Writer's pictureTANNAZ OSTADAGHEI


Updated: May 19, 2020

Veggie miso soup with spicy marinated sriracha tofu & dumplings!! A mix on a traditional miso that will have you wanting to grab a bigger spoon...did I mention there’s dumplings in it?!


  • homemade veggie broth (or two cartons store bought, room temperature)

  • 1 package gluten free red miso paste, to taste

  • Dashi = a combo of two separate ingredients: bonito flakes (3 tbs of instant) +

  • thick seaweed (dried amount: ⅓ cup)

  • 1 ginger root (medium size)

  • ½ a head of garlic

  • 1 box of tofu, I prefer firm (marinated with sriracha the night before, to taste), chopped

  • ¾ cup carrots, chopped

  • ¾ cup onion, chopped

  • 1 cup of green cabbage, chopped

  • 1 carton oyster mushrooms, chopped

  • ¾ cup green onion, finely chopped

  • 1 tbs sesame oil

  • 1 tbs rice vinegar

  • 2 tbs tamari gluten free soy sauce


  • gluten free dumplings

Toppings (optional)

  • Black sesame seeds

  • sriracha

  • Seaweed flakes

  • Enoki mushrooms

Grocery Store Finds I Picked Up

In this photo I've included the brands for the gluten free miso red paste, bonito soup stock, and dried seaweed I used in the recipe. I was able to find these at my local Island Pacific Supermarket. The night before, I sliced the firm tofu into cubes and added about 4 tbs of sriracha with the tofu juice and placed it in a zip lock bag to marinate in the fridge overnight.

Prep time: 15 minutes. Cook time 20 minutes.


  1. Place the thick, dried seaweed in cold water and let sit for 5 minutes. Drain, and set aside.

  2. In a large pot add veggie broth and bring to a boil.

  3. Once boiling, add dashi ingredient combo (bonito flakes & seaweed) and gluten free miso paste (miso paste is dense & rich so add slowly, about a tbs at a time, mix till incorporated and taste as you add each time), ginger root, garlic head, sesame oil, rice vinegar, and tamari gluten free soy sauce.

  4. Reduce heat to medium low, add the marinated tofu, cabbage, carrots, oyster mushrooms, and onion and cook for 10 minutes.

  5. If you have fresh/frozen dumplings, wontons, or homemade versions add as many as you’d like and cook for 5 minutes.

  6. Add the green onions.

  7. Serve in a bowl, let cool for 5 minutes and enjoy!

How to Make Your Own Veggie Broth

Finally a gluten free miso soup to enjoy at home! For the bowl you see above I made the veggie broth from scratch. I used left over carrots, celery, onions, ginger and garlic plus a bag of frozen veggie scraps I save for veggie broth and combined that with cold water to fill up my big pot. I had it set to boil, and then I had it simmer for two hours. Once done I strained the veggies out. So simple and nourishing! If you're looking for a quick go-to I'd recommend picking up 2 cartons of veggie stock from the market and adding whatever veggies and/or ginger and garlic you have at home to the stock to freshen it up. If you chose this option let it boil for at least 15 minutes with the veggies, and then strain to remove.

Miso Paste & Dashi 101

If you're looking for a light and filling meal this tangy/spicy, rich/flavorful miso soup will do the trick! The red miso paste adds an umami taste that balances the flavors of the veggies, and compliments the dashi broth which is a combination of seaweed and bonito fish flake flavor. Bonito fish flakes come in a couple different versions. You can find bonito flakes, bonito instant broth, and other versions of the same ingredient from asian specialty markets or on amazon (just make sure to read the label to see if it's gluten free). Making dashi from scratch is done by boiling dried thick seaweed and bonito flakes to create a broth. Traditionally the flakes and seaweed are removed, however I love both and leave them in the soup. The seaweed is silky and soft, and adds a nice touch to the veggies. For this recipe I was only able to find instant bonito soup stock which is granulated and dissolves in the broth. I don't mind using instant but I lean towards flakes.

It took me a while to find a red miso paste that was gluten free, so when you find yours jump for joy! I will jump for joy with you! This paste changes your veggie soup broth from simple to well balanced in just seconds! It's not only my favorite ingredient on the list, it is so soothing for the belly (it's made with fermented soy beans = so good for the gut!).

Dumplings to Elevate Your Soup

I had left over gluten free dumplings I made the other night so I added them to the soup for an additional bite (recipe for my gluten free dumplings coming soon!). You can use any dumplings/wontons of your choice.

This recipe is very flexible and can be adjusted to your liking. That's why I love it so much.


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