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  • Writer's pictureTANNAZ OSTADAGHEI


Crisp asparagus and salty bacon alongside cherry tomatoes, garlic, ricotta cheese, and marinara sauce loaded with sliced avocado and balsamic vinegar and a pair of poached eggs. Made with gluten free pizza dough this breakfast is irresistibly good.

Looking for an easy weekday breakfast? Grab your left over veggies and meats and make a pizza that everyone will be smiling over. The inspiration for this bacon wrapped asparagus everything bagel pizza was just that! When I need to get through produce my first thought is which items can I chop up and reuse in a dish. My go-to recipes include bases such as rice, pasta, or pizza. I was in the mood for something rich and flavorful and wanted to save some left overs for the rest of the week, so as any pizza lover would do I rationally searched through my fridge for any pasta sauce I may have on hand, meats, and remaining veggies. Once I selected all my topping ingredients I browsed my cheeses and decided to go with ricotta because of its rich, creamy, lasagna reminiscent qualities.

Making homemade pizza is one of my favorite meals to make because you optimize your maximum amount of toppings to sauce and cheese ratio, and is totally customizable to your own taste. The best part is the oven does most of the work for you! Now that I’ve found my favorite gluten free pizza dough from Bob’s Red Mill, which comes with flour and pre packaged yeast, you can make fresh dough whenever you need. I like to keep my dough simple and on occasions I may add some oregano, red chili flakes, thyme or dried basil to create a tasty herb blend for my dough. You can purchase the gluten free pizza dough I use product at your local supermarket in the gluten free baking section or you can order it on Amazon. I tend to grab a few bags to have on hand incase a craving of mine hits! You dough not wanna run out of this stuff :)

Bacon Wrapped Asparagus Everything Bagel Pizza Variations

The star of this pizza is the bacon wrapped asparagus topping, and though I love it there are so many options when it comes to pizza toppings that why should we limit ourselves. Keep the selection rollin’. You could easily change up the veggies or meats. Here are some ideas:

  • sub bacon for ham, sausage, Trader Joe’s vegan churizzo or vegan breakfast link sausage.

  • Sub asparagus for common veggies such as tomatoes, onions, bell peppers, olives or roasted corn.

  • Use mozzarella, 4-cheese blend shredded cheese or vegan cheese substitutes instead of ricotta.

  • Make your own everything bagel seasoning with a blend of salt, pepper, onion flakes, sesame seeds, and garlic powder.

  • Go all out veggie and top with arugula, fresh herbs, and extra virgin.

  • Or add some basil or fresh dill alongside your poached eggs!

Have fun making a breakfast pizza you really love. This meal is great for meal prepping, breakfasting with family, Sunday brunch, and is an easy leftover snack...for those moments when you feel like just  warming something up real quick. Enjoy! xx

Prep time 30 minutes. Cook time 14 minutes.


For this recipe I did not measure exact quantities and instead pulled items that were available so I will do my best to estimate certain items.


  • 1 bag of Bob’s Red Mill gluten free pizza dough

  • 1 cup gluten free all purpose flour (any extra gluten free flour you have on hand will do. I used tapioca flour)

  • 1 large egg

  • 1 tbsp extra virgin

  • ½ cup water


  • Leftover marinara sauce

  • Ricotta cheese

  • Cherry tomatoes

  • Asparagus

  • Bacon

  • ⅛ tsp salt

  • ⅛ tsp pepper


  • 1 sliced avocado

  • 2 eggs, poached

  • everything bagel seasoning

  • Balsamic vinegar


  1. Follow instructions on Bob’s Red Mill pizza dough packaging to prepare the dough, secure bowl with plastic wrap, and set aside to rise for 30 minutes.Preheat the oven to 425° F.

  2. Work on chopping the veggies and/or slicing the meats.

  3. Sauté asparagus and bacon, set aside.

  4. Prepare a large baking sheet with extra virgin, set aside.

  5. Prepare a large chopping board with flour. When dough has risen remove from bowl (cover hands with flour to prevent sticking) and kneed the dough with the flour. Continue to sprinkle flour onto dough as needed. This helps the gluten free dough form its elasticity. When the dough is holding together immediately transfer to your baking sheet and spread it out evenly. Using fingers, mold the dough to shape your pan.

  6. Sprinkle salt and pepper over dough and spread the sauce. Add minced garlic.

  7. Spoon ricotta onto one area of the pizza and spread evenly. Continue till all areas are complete.

  8. Add veggies and/or meat toppings and sprinkle pizza with more salt and pepper.

  9. Bake for 12 minutes and broil for 2-4 minutes to brown the veggies and cheese.

  10. Remove pizza, let cool for 5-7 minutes, while you work on you poached eggs.

  11. Slice pizza to serve, top with poached eggs and a sprinkle of everything bagel seasoning, and sliced avocados drizzled with balsamic.

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